A stakeholder consultation by Ghana Links Network Services Limited for implementing Integrated Customs Management Systems in Sierra Leone was held on the 20th of August 2024 in the office of the Executive Chairman of the Produce Monitoring Board Dr James Vibbi in Freetown.

The Ghana Link Team is in Sierra Leone to carry out a feasibility study of customs processes and stakeholder engagement with a view to helping inform the development of a proposal for the implementation of a customs Management system in Sierra Leone. It is part of the government’s efforts to enhance domestic revenue mobilisation, through transparency and compliance with tax laws, as well as standardizing and reducing the time and cost of doing business through the Port.

The Head of Operations Ghana Link Network Services Limited Raymond Amaglo said the Produce Monitoring Board is one of the key stakeholders for the implementation of Integrated Customs Management Systems in Sierra Leone. It is against this background the team met with the management of PMB to be abreast with the operations of PMB with special reference to the processes and procedures of the exportation of produce in Sierra Leone.

The Executive Chairman explained the requirements for the exportation of produce, including National Revenue Authority tax, Business Certificate, license, and NASSIT, among others. He said PMB is a regulatory agency which ensures produce such as Cocoa, Coffee Cashew and other agricultural produce exports meet international standards.

Dr Vibbi said the PMB ensures exporters pay the legislative 2.5% levied on the exportation of cocoa, coffee, cashew and other agricultural produce.

The Director of Operations Didan Sankoh also emphasized the procedures for the exportation of produce through the Port.

The Ghana Links Network Services Limited is working in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance and the National Revenue Authority for the implementation of Integrated customs Management Systems in Sierra Leone.

Ghana Link is currently the sole provider of a customs Management system called ICUMS, a fully integrated Customs cargo management system and clearance platform for customs transactions in Ghana covering 199 Customs locations in Ghana

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